MEPs guiding member states towards Europe 2020

Last week, the European Parliament’s (EP) Employment and Social Affairs Committee (EMPL) had its first discussion on its draft report regarding the European Commission’s Proposal for a Council Decision on integrated guidelines for the employment policies of member states. The draft was presented by the rapporteur for this file, Ms Laura Agea (Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy group, EFDD). Whereas the EP only has a consultative role in this, we very much hope to see the Parliament influencing the final text in a positive way. This would also imply the Council would break with the unsatisfying practice of the past when member states did not properly take into account the Parliament’s position on the guidelines.

The proposals for amendments to the guidelines formulated by the rapporteur reflect a strong call for a commitment by member states to the Europe 2020 strategy and the poverty target in particular, as well as to the introduction of minimum income schemes. The concern of the draft guidelines being too disconnected from Europe 2020 was shared across the different political groups during the discussions in the Committee.

Social Platform considers that some parts of the guidelines should be improved to ensure they fully support the achievement of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and the Europe 2020 employment, education and poverty targets. For this reason, we hope to see the EP report amending the Commission’s proposal to see the final decision guide member states towards adequate wages (and minimum wages in particular), investing in social protection systems, fighting discrimination within and outside the labour market, education and training as tools for personal development and participation in society beyond the labour market, and the structured and meaningful involvement of all stakeholders – including civil society organisations – in their policy-making.

EMPL members from the different political groups will put forward their individual proposals for amendments to the draft guidelines this week, and we will assess to what extend they are giving proper attention to the concerns of civil society.