Social governance for a stronger Europe

By Maxime Gehrenbeck, Social Platform Intern working on Social Policy

Today’s [5 October] Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs (EPSCO) Council organised in Luxembourg will discuss the issue of social governance within the European Union. This is of course of crucial importance, especially in the current context of the social and economic crisis. The prioritisation of economic over social concerns has led to increasing social divergences within the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). This threatens the sustainability of the euro area and has deplorable effects in terms of employment and living conditions.

A strong commitment to rebalance economic and social priorities and avoid a race to the bottom is therefore needed, and this is why Social Platform welcomes the initiative of the Luxembourg Presidency to reinforce the social dimension of the EMU. In a letter sent to EPSCO Council Ministers last Friday [2 October], Social Platform insisted again on key elements that should be integrated in any strategy that aims at achieving upwards convergence in the European Union. These elements comprise the development of European social standards, the organisation of joint EPSCO and ECOFIN meetings where equal value is given to both Council formations, and the reinforcement of the social dimension of the European Semester.

These claims are perfectly in line with the Social Platform’s new position paper on social governance that was adopted last Thursday. The numerous recommendations included in the paper provide clear directions to Member States and EU institutions alike on how social progress and upwards convergence can be best achieved in the European Union.