The future of Europe is in our hands

Last week the European Commission released its long-awaited White Paper on the Future of Europe. The document sets out five different directions the European Union could go in: carrying on; nothing but the Single Market; those who want to do more; doing less more efficiently; and doing much more together.

Social Platform members have already engaged in numerous discussions – both in internal meetings and with a wider coalition of civil society organisations – and we are happy to see that serious EU-level conversations about the future of Europe are beginning in earnest. What is worrying to see is that three of the five options on the table – maintaining the status quo, reducing the EU to the Single Market, and doing less – would have deep and lasting consequences on social rights enjoyed by millions of people living and working in the EU.

The EU is experiencing a social emergency. Yes, employment rates have risen – but so too have the number of people experiencing in-work poverty. Yes, the number of migrants fleeing to Europe has dropped – but some 90,000 unaccompanied minors are living in diabolical conditions. Yes, the economy is set to grow in all 28 EU Member States over the next two years, but the gap between the richest and the poorest members of our societies is increasing. Our vision for the future of Europe is a positive one, and the White Paper is the starting point for us to build an EU that works for everyone; one that promotes adequate minimum income so that people can live a life in dignity; one that invests in high-quality, accessible and affordable essential services; and one that stands up for the principles of social inclusion, solidarity and social convergence in the face of populist and anti-European opposition.

‘Social’ is so much more than employment policy, and we look forward to working with our members to share the voices of people on the ground with EU decision-makers.

Find out more about Social Platform’s initial response to the White Paper and our recommendations prior to its release.