Civil Society for EU

A campaign to unlock the potential of EU democracy

Civil society plays a key role in our democracies. We promote and protect fundamental rights, we ensure underrepresented voices are heard, and we support governments and institutions to respond to people needs. Yet, we face an increasing list of barriers that limit our potential.

We call on EU leaders and representatives to fully unlock this potential by better recognising, supporting and engaging with civil society, so that we can meaningfully contribute to a better Europe. Find out how Civil Society for EU plans to make this change a reality!

Who supports us?

Space for civil society is shrinking all over Europe: restrictive laws, administrative barriers and threats make it hard for civil society actors to unlock their potential.

It is essential that the EU commits to reversing these damaging trends during the next five years and opens up more opportunities for civil society to bring people’s voices into policymaking.

We are calling on all elected MEPs to recognise the true value of civil society and to commit to safeguarding its space in Europe.

Read the full pledge and become a civil society supporter!

Civil society matters!

Civil society is integrated everywhere in 

think civil society plays an important role in promoting and protecting democracy & common values.
0 %
of Europeans believe that civil society should operate freely and keep those in power accountable
0 %
Europeans regularly engage with civil society organisations by taking part in initiatives, engaging online or donating
0 %
Europeans volunteer for a non-profit organisation
+ 0 million