FRAND: Input on the Parliament’s report on the situation of fundamental rights in the EU 2012

The European Parliament is currently drafting its annual report on the situation of fundamental rights in the EU 2012. The assigned rapporteur is Louis MICHEL (BE/ALDE). Social Platform will try to influence the content of the report based on our position and previous messages on fundamental rights and equality. The report will be partly based on the Working document I and Working document II and most likely follow the same structure as the previous year’s report (2010-2011) by rapporteur Monika FLAŠÍKOVÁ BEŇOVÁ (SK/S&D), the headlines were:

  • General recommendations
  • Discrimination
  • Protection of individuals belonging to minorities
  • Equal opportunities
  • Young people, the elderly and people with disabilities
  • Data protection
  • Migrants and refugees
  • Rights of the child
  • Victims’ rights and access to justice

Social Platform will try to influence the content of the report based on our position and previous messages on the fundamental rights and equality. In previous year swe focused especially on the recognition of social rights (supported by the FRA), we will also look into if we can include some on fundamental rights of migrants (based on our position paper). Members of Social Platform are welcome to input with their concerns by the latest August 23 to Annica Ryngbeck (Policy Officer, Social Platform)

The report is scheduled to be presented to the LIBE Committee in the end of September, a hearing is foreseen for November in the Parliament and the vote in the LIBE will take place before the end of the year and in plenary for February 2014.