SG + SP WG: Draft letters to the EPSCO Council of October 15 and European Council of October 24-25

+++ For input by September 26, 14.00 +++

At the EPSCO Council meeting of October 15, the ministers for employment and social affairs will discuss the European Semester 2013 and the social dimension of the EMU, and formulate recommendations on these topics for the European Council of October 24-25. In view of this, we will send letters to both the EPSCO ministers as well as to the heads of state in view of the European Council:

  1. In the letter to the European Council, we focus on the social dimension of the EMU. Our position as reflected in this letter, is based on our previous position for the June Council and on the discussions we had in the Social Policy Working Group on September 14.
  • NOTICE: When the EC Communication on the Social Dimension of the EMU comes out on October 2, we will keep the content of our messages, but adapt the wording according to what is in it.
  1. In the letter to the EPSCO Council, we will also take up the recommendations to the European Council on the social dimension of the EMU, being our main focus. We will also send the ministers comments on the European Semester 2013 and formulate some recommendations for the 2014 Semester.
  • NOTICE: The messages on the European Semester should reflect our position as formulated in “Social Platform evaluation of the 2013 European Semester and proposals for the future from 2014 on”, that will be sent to the EC after the Steering Group meeting adopts it on October 3 (This separate document with our position on the European Semester 2013/2014 will be sent out to for approval the SG at the end of this week after including the outcome of the discussions in all Working Groups).

How would we like you to contribute to this: Please send your proposals for amendments to the letters in the form of track changes to Herlinde by September 26, 14.00.

Further process:

  • September 26, 14.00: deadline for members to input on letters
  • September 27: Secretariat sends final version of the letters to the Steering Group for adoption
  • October 2: EC Communication on the Social Dimension of the EMU comes out
  • October 3: adoption of the letters by the Steering Group