Letter to the Council Working Party in support of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights

Letter sent to the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Mr Marian Filčík, Chair of the Council Working Party on Fundamental Rights, Citizens Rights and Free Movement of Persons (FREMP)

Via email

Brussels 4 October 2016

Dear Mr Marian Filčík,

RE: A clear mandate for the Fundamental Rights Agency to tackle social and economic barriers to fundamental rights, and protect human rights in law enforcement and criminal justice At your meeting of the Council Working Party on Fundamental Rights, Citizens Rights and Free Movement of Persons (FREMP) you will be discussing the proposal for a Council Decision establishing a Multiannual Framework for the European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) for 2018-2022.

Social Platform, the largest civil society alliance fighting for social justice in Europe, and the EU Internal Human Rights Policy Working Group of the Human Rights and Democracy Network, together represent about 100 pan-European networks of civil society organisations.

We call on you to adopt the European Commission’s proposal, in line with FRA’s Management Board Opinion, for a Multiannual Framework with the eight thematic areas referred to in Article 1(2). We particularly support the proposal to include ‘Judicial and Police Cooperation’, and ‘Social Inclusion’ as part of the Agency’s thematic areas for 2018-2022.
Read the full letter here