Position Paper on the Social Investment Package

April 26, 2013

Social Platform welcomes the paradigm change that appears to be embedded in the Social Investment Package (SIP) of the European Commission. It is in line with our view that social policies and services are not a cost but an investment for better cohesion in our societies at present and for the future. In the last years many member states have implemented austerity measures which drastically targeted expenditure in social and health services, social protection and education and especially in those countries where the social and economic situation is the worst. This has contributed to the increase of poverty and social exclusion, inequalities and unemployment in the EU. These problems are exacerbated for vulnerable groups and other people facing discrimination or disadvantage. It has also led to a worsening of the divide between Northern-Central Europe and Southern countries, and in the latter to the emergence of new social and non-mainstream political movements and growing political instability.

The Package could provide an opportunity to reorient the current policies towards a much needed rebalancing of social and economic policies both at EU and member state level. It should be the first step towards a longer-term political agenda and towards an effective alternative for the austerity paradigm. At the same time, we are concerned about some elements of the package, as well as about its future 
impact if it is not backed up by a strong political commitment to social investment of both the EU institutions and member states. The first paragraph of this paper intends to clarify what social investment means, in order to ensure the well-being of people. The second paragraph gives an assessment of the SIP, by highlighting its undoubted positive aspects as well as what we consider problematic or missing. The third and last paragraph stresses the importance of an effective implementation both at European and national level. This paper will be complemented at a later stage by concrete recommendations on how to implement the package.

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