Social Platform contributions to the informal EPSCO in Milan on July 17-18, 2014


Rebalancing economic and social stabilisation in the EU

Contribution to Workshop II: EMU-wide automatic stabilizers: towards a common Unemployment Benefit Scheme? (July 17)

  1. Stabilisation as part of a long-term approach

A common Unemployment Benefit Scheme (UBS) would offer short-term support during significant economic shocks that leads to social shocks such as high unemployment. However we still need a long-term approach to avoid a social crisis from happening and to support the sustainability of the European Social Model.

  1. Minimum requirements and common standards for member states

If a concrete proposal for a European UBS would be put forward, it should include minimum requirements and common standards on how member states should translate such a scheme into concrete unemployment benefits, while taking into account the different national contexts.

  1. Complementing member states’ responsibilities

An E(M)U-wide automatic stabiliser such as a UBS should only support and not replace member states’ own national responsibility to put in place adequate and well-functioning social protection systems.


Maximising the potential of social economy and social enterprises

Contribution to the plenary session: The importance of the social economy (July 18)

  1. The European institutions and member states should continue the work launched with the Social Business Initiative (SBI) to support the recognition and development of social economy and social enterprises
  2. Unlock the employment potential of social economy, in particular in the social and health services sector
  3. Pursue an adequate “ecosystem” for the development of social economy and social enterprises, both at EU and national level


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