The Social Pillar and the Future of the Social Agenda

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After enduring decades of neoliberal policy making that advocated for a small state and promoted the market as the primary instrument for the efficient allocation of jobs and resources, the welfare state must undergo significant revitalisation, facilitated by the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR). The EPSR’s emphasis on an inclusive labour market, dignified working conditions and adequate social protection systems, as well as social inclusion policies, are vital for the well-being of individuals and the overall resilience of the EU’s societies.

This policy study aims to offer an analysis of the EU’s progress in advancing equal opportunities, improving working conditions, and strengthening social protection and inclusion, as envisioned by the EPSR, at both national and European levels. Furthermore, it underscores the importance of social partners’ and civil society organisations’ insights into shaping effective policies and decisions in the form of a “shadow social agenda” for informing and influencing the next legislature.

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