While the dust settles in Brussels after the recent European elections, it is clear we are witnessing
the further growth of extreme far right parties. While Social Platform welcomes the stability that
the traditional grand coalition brings, the recent election highlights its fragility. This election must
serve as an urgent reminder to all policy makers that people feel left behind and that meeting their
needs means prioritising social rights.
As civil society, we are deeply concerned about the growth of extremist groups in recent local,
national and EU elections who make political gain at the expense of vulnerable groups. In particular, political groups and individuals who incite hatred against marginalised communities and minorities and fuel racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist discourses.
Social Platform calls on EU policy makers not to align with extremist right-wing parties, and work as
a coalition of pro-European, inclusive and progressive voices. Normalising extremist groups and
political ideas, presents a significant threat to our democracy, rule of law and undermines the
recognition and vindication of our human rights.