Capacity building workshop: Towards an EU internal Human Rights framework

Date: March 12 Time: 09.30-12.30  Place: Social Platform

Social Platform’s objective for 2014 is to ‘advocate for an EU internal strategy on human rights that ensures consistency between EU external and internal human rights standards and delivers on their implementation to combat the existing violation of human rights’. As a first step in our work we are inviting members and possible partners to a capacity building workshop.

Please register with Annica Ryngbeck by Friday March 7



09.30-11.00 Presentations

09.30-10.15 What can we learn from EU’s human rights framework in external affairs?

Stijn Houben, the coordination of the Council Human Rights Working Group (COHOM) will present the EU Strategic Framework and Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy

10.15-11.00 What is the position by European Human Rights NGOs?

Natacha Kazatchkine, Chair of the Human Rights and Democracy Network (HRDN)/ Senior Executive Officer Legal Affairs/Human Rights in the EU – Amnesty International

11.00-11.30 Coffee break

11.30-12.20 Exchange of Views: Ways forward

What key arguments should build Social Platform’s arguments and case for why a HR-strategy is needed (especially relating to economic, social and cultural rights violations within the EU)? How can our position be complementary to other HR-actors? How can we work together before and after the European elections in order to approach the new Parliament and Commission?
12.20-12.30 Closing remarks

By Pierre Baussand, Director of Social Platform


Recommended reading in preparation of the workshop