Networking Visit and Conference in Athens ahead of the Greek EU Presidency

In January 2014 Greece will take over the Presidency of the EU, they have placed the Social Dimension of the EU at its core. The Presidency is happening at a critical juncture in Europe, when it is still recovering from the effects of the crisis and in particular the social consequences of austerity measures.

On December 11 Social Platform organised a civil society conference in Athens on the social dimension of the Greek EU presidency priorities. This event brought together a wide range of key stakeholders including governmental representatives and Greek and EU civil society.

View photos from the event on our our Flickr page


Dec 10:  Networking Meeting between European & Greek social NGOsClick here for more Information

Dec 11: Public Conference on The Social Dimension of the Greek EU Presidency – Click here for more information

Contact persons: Annica Ryngbeck (Policy Officer)