The European Social Charter and the European Pillar of Social Rights in the follow-up to the Vilnius and La Hulpe Declarations
When: 12 December 2024, 9am-1pm (with lunch provided from 1-2pm)
Where: In-person, NH Brussels EU Berlaymont
Come and join the Council of Europe and Social Platform as we join forces to mark International Human Rights Day with a roundtable discussion in Brussels.
Earlier this year both the Council of Europe, via the Vilnius Declaration, and the European Union via the La Hulpe Declaration, reaffirmed the importance of social rights to underpin progress, social cohesion and democracy. In particular, the La Hulpe Declaration specifically highlights the role of the European Social Charter as a key tool in building Social Europe, while both Declarations specifically mention the importance of further cooperation between the Council of Europe and the European Union in promoting social rights and the Charter.
This high-level event will aim to look at what comes next for social rights across the European region, and how we can best ensure holistic policy making, whereby the processes of the Council of Europe and the European Union contribute towards a shared vision with initiatives that both support and mutually reinforce one another.
Who should attend?
Interested Social Platform members, interested external civil society organisations, and other interested stakeholders are all welcome to participate.
Please find below the final agenda for our ‘Social Rights and Human Rights’ event.
The moderation of the event will be provided by Dr Robin Wilson, former editor-in-chief, Social Europe
09.00-09.30: Welcome Coffee & Registration
Opening Remarks and Welcome
Official opening of the event, with a few words to welcome participants, encourage active participation and sharing of expertise and perspectives and frame the event’s discussions.
Heather Roy, President of the Social Platform
Ambassador Andriy Zayats, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Brussels
Oliver Röpke, President of the European Economic and Social Committee
Denis Genton, Director, European Pillar of Social Rights, Strategy, DG EMPL
Aoife Nolan, President of the European Committee of Social Rights
10.00 Panel 1: Challenges & Opportunities for Greater Cooperation
The session will present the European Social Charter and the European Pillar of Social Rights, as well as the commitments deriving from the Vilnius, respective the La Hulpe Declarations. It will kick start with a keynote presentation highlighting the correspondence between the European Social Charter and EU Law. The presentation will highlight challenges linked to the acceptance of Charter provisions at member state level, and the implications for EU policy making processes.
- Julie Gomis, Governmental Committee of the European Social Charter & Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé, Ministère du Travail, France
- Henrik Kristensen, Head of the Department of Social Rights, Council of Europe
- Gerrit Van de Mosselaer. Social Affairs Advisor, Cabinet of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health, Belgium
- Isabelle Schömann, Deputy Secretary General, European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
- Peter Verhaeghe, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer, Caritas Europa, Belgium
- Cláudia Pinto, Senior Policy Officer in Social and Economic Inclusion, European Youth Forum
Questions and answers, all participants
11.15 Coffee Break
11.30 Panel 2: The Way Forward: Synergies and Collaborations
This panel will look to the future and look at possible ways forward in terms of fostering deeper collaboration between the Council of Europe & European Union with a view to stimulate member states to take further commitments under the Charter as the most comprehensive social rights standard in Europe. It will also look at opportunities for better alignment of the European Pillar of Social Rights and its upcoming revised action plan to the European Social Charter.
- Olivier de Schutter, Professor at UC Louvain and Sciences Po and UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights
- Aoife Nolan, President, European Committee of Social Rights
- Denis Genton, European Pillar of Social Rights, Strategy, DG EMPL
- Rita, Skrebiškienė, Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU
- Paul Galles, Chair of the Sub-Committee on the European Social Charter, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
- Drahoslav Štefánek, Chair of COHOM, European External Action Service
- Piotr Sadowski, Vice-President of the Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGOs) of the Council of Europe
Questions and answers, all participants
12.45 Conclusions and follow-up
The conclusions will highlight key elements of the day’s discussion and possible next steps. It will also underline the contribution of different stakeholders in particular social partners and civil society in achieving the objectives discussed at the event.
- George Theodosis, Associate professor of Labour Law and Director of the Laboratory of Comparative and European Social Law at Democritus University of Thrace, member of the CoE European Committee of Social Rights
- Heather Roy, President of the Social Platform
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
Register below
NB. Registration now closed