Social Rights are Human Rights

The (revised) European Social Charter and the European Pillar of Social Rights in the follow-up to the Vilnius and La Hulpe Declarations 

the european social charter and eu law in the area of social rights for building social justice in europe (2)

When: 12 December 2024, 9am-1pm (with lunch provided from 1-2pm)

Where: In-person, NH Brussels EU Berlaymont   

Come and join the Council of Europe and Social Platform as we join forces to mark International Human Rights Day with a roundtable discussion in Brussels.  

Earlier this year both the Council of Europe, via the Vilnius Declaration, and the European Union via the La Hulpe Declaration, reaffirmed the importance of social rights to underpin progress, social cohesion and democracy. In particular, the La Hulpe Declaration specifically highlights the role of the European Social Charter as a key tool in building Social Europe, while both Declarations specifically mention the importance of further cooperation between the Council of Europe and the European Union in promoting social rights and the Charter. 

This high-level event will aim to look at what comes next for social rights across the European region, and how we can best ensure holistic policy making, whereby the processes of the Council of Europe and the European Union contribute towards a shared vision with initiatives that both support and mutually reinforce one another. 

Who should attend?
Interested Social Platform members, interested external civil society organisations, and other interested stakeholders are all welcome to participate.

Programme outline

08:45 Welcome Coffee & Registration
09:15 Opening Remarks and Welcome
09.45 Panel 1: Challenges & Opportunities for Greater Cooperation
Presenting the European Social Charter and the European Pillar of Social Rights, as well as the commitments deriving from the Vilnius and La Hulpe Declarations
11.00 Coffee Break 
11.15 Panel 2: That Way Forward: Synergies and Collaborations
Looking to the future and ways to foster deeper collaboration between the Council of Europe & European Union
12.45 Conclusions and follow-up 
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch 

Register below

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We are including this question for our reporting to the European Commission and your answer will be anonymised in all our reporting.
Some photography and recording will take place at the event. If you do not wish to have your photo taken please indicate below:(Required)