Get involved!

Are you passionate about pushing for social progress and advocating for access to social rights for all? There are lots of ways for us to collaborate and work together.

Why work with Social Platform?

Social Platform has a strong track record of achieving change and the strength in numbers to amplify our influence. With our unique position as the leading voice on social issues at EU level, we use our access to policymaking spaces to maximise our impact.

Recognised as the key actor on Social Europe, we were the only civil society organisation invited to speak at the Porto Social Summit and co-sign the Porto Social Commitment alongside Heads of State and Government. We were also the only civil society representative to sign the La Hulpe Declaration on the Future of the European Pillar of Social Rights. We successfully influenced the European Commission to adopt the European Pillar of Social Rights, and we have regular opportunities to bring our members’ voices to high-level spaces.

Our skilled team working in the heart of Brussels offer expert knowledge on social policy and we make sure that social rights and equality are mainstreamed in EU policy-making.

Become our partner

Social Platform works actively with a variety of stakeholders and partners to make our vision of a more Social Europe a reality. 

We look for partners that demonstrate social responsibility, have a record of socially responsible behaviour, have a history of commitment to diversity and inclusion, employ responsible environmental, social and labour rights practices, and are genuinely committed to equality, inclusion and better social standards for all.

An experienced interlocutor between our wide network of members and stakeholders across Europe, we know how to deliver strategic expertise and quality outcomes. Why not collaborate with us on:

  • Advocacy projects – we build and execute our advocacy strategy to achieve change across the areas of our global strategy  
  • Campaigns – amplify calls to action through our channels
  • Research – work with us to bring evidence and analysis into our advocacy on social issues 
  • Strengthen European civil society – support our capacity building efforts within our membership and strengthen civil society so that we can balance the influencing power of big business within EU decision-making  

Become our member

Social Platform takes great pride in the diversity and expertise of our membership. 

From women and LGBTIQ persons to migrants, from children, youth and older people to individuals with disabilities, from families and carers to people living in poverty and victims of discrimination and violence, the work of our members reflects the diversity of Europe.

Membership is open to any European federation or European network of NGOs with activities in the social sector, which meet the criteria set out in the statutes.

Our membership is composed of:

  • equality networks
  • non-profit service provider organisations
  • social enterprises

Membership categories

Social Platform has three different categories of membership. Read about the criteria for each type of membership below.

What does it mean to be a full member?
Full members set the guidelines and priorities of Social Platform and make an ongoing contribution to the network’s activities. They notably have the right to contribute to and vote on Social Platform’s annual work programmes, budgets, accounts, and for the election of the Management Committee.

What are the requirements to be a full member?
Organisations must be:

  • composed of organisations (not individuals) in at least the absolute majority of EU Member States,
  • be established as a not-for-profit and non-governmental organisation in one of the EU Member States.
  • The majority of the organisation’s membership must themselves be legally established, not-for-profit and nongovernmental,
  • have separate legal personality
  • be active in the social sector, working to promote the general interest of society and contribute to social cohesion
  • demonstrate its representativeness and that it is structured and managed in a democratic way

What does it mean to be an associate member?
Associate members take part in and input on the activities of Social Platform, but cannot take part in any formal votes and have no right to stand for election to the organisational structures of the Association.

What are the requirements to be an associate member?
Organisations must be:

  • composed of organisations (not individuals) in at least a quarter of EU Member States,
  • established as a not-for-profit and non-governmental organisation in one of the EU Member States. The majority of the organisation’s membership must themselves be legally established, not-for-profit and nongovernmental,
  • active in the social sector, working to promote the general interest of society and contribute to social cohesion
  • have separate legal personality, or be in the process of acquiring legal personality. NB. networks or federations who are accepted as associate members and who have not yet acquired legal status shall be granted membership for one year, with further membership being subject to annual review by the General Assembly.

What does it mean to be an observer member?
Observer members take part in some working groups, task forces or networks of Social Platform, but cannot take part in any formal votes or policymaking.

What are the requirements to be an observer member?
An organisation that wishes to be connected to Social Platform but which does not satisfy the criteria for either full or associate membership, may be considered for observer status if they meet the following criteria:

  • Have a separate legal entity or be an informal coalition containing national members of Social Platform member
  • Be a university, research centre, national platform of organisations, active in the social sector, working to promote the general interest and contributing to social cohesion
  • Be aligned with and fully subscribe to the mission and values of Social Platform

Get in touch!

We would love to hear from you about your interest to collaborate with or join Social Platform’s network to support our mission for social progress in Europe. 

Please send your enquiries on becoming a partner or member to our Secretary General, Laura de Bonfils at

lauda de bonfils

Laura de Bonfils

Secretary General of Social Platform