Caritas Europa


Rue de la Charité 43
1210 Brussels, Belgium


Tel.: +32 2 280 02 80


Caritas Europa is the network of Caritas organisations on the European continent. The united strength of its 49 members, present in 46 European countries, makes of Caritas Europa one of the major social actors in Europe.

As a network, Caritas Europe works with people of all faiths to end poverty and to promote the dignity of all people. They are part of the global Caritas Internationalis network that has over 160 members around the world.

They believe that people and the environment, not profits, should be at the heart of all policies and oppose all kinds of exclusions and support all initiatives that promote sustainable development that benefit everyone and enable all people to find a meaningful role to play in society.

Caritas work is inspired by the 7 principles of Catholic Social Teaching, with a particular attention to the preferential option for the poor and vulnerable. This means that they focus primarily on the poorest and most vulnerable in our societies, not least those who are newly arrived in Europe as migrants or refugees.