9 May – what I want to celebrate

9 May is Europe Day. According to the Commission’s website there will be 88 activities organised to celebrate Europe Day in 12 Member States. While I am sure that these activities will provide a great opportunity to commend peace and unity on the continent, I want to celebrate the first anniversary of one civil society organisation: SOS Mediterrannée, created on 9 May 2015. It has the sole purpose of saving the lives of refugees trying to cross the sea to reach European shores. Why do I want to celebrate this organisation in particular? Like many of our members at national level, they act on the ground and reach out to those fleeing war, poverty and persecution.

1,357 people have died since January trying to access Europe by sea, according to the Missing Migrants project. Europe holds the horrific 2016 record of 82% of dead migrants worldwide. Looking at the longer term perspective, there were in fact 23,000 refugees who lost their lives between 2000 and 2014. Yet, what have we done as Europeans?

The European Commission is struggling with another plan for relocation and resettlement of refugees coming to Europe – as proposed on 4 May. There is still not an adequate response to people dying at sea.

In the meantime, in only one year SOS Mediterrannée has saved 917 lives at sea. While some Member States are suing the European Commission for trying to enforce relocation and resettlement, civil society organisations in our sector are sticking to the values of the European Union.

Since the beginning of the refugee crisis Social Platform and our 47 European members have deplored the absence of safe and regular channels to the EU. Civil society and everyday citizens are playing their part by opening their homes, sharing their food and donating their clothes, while many EU Member States shirk their responsibility to provide these most basic of services.

Like it or loathe it, the European project has successfully brought peace to its Member States. This Europe Day, let’s remember that not everyone enjoys the liberties that we take for granted.

Let’s engage!

Pierre Baussand, Director