Building Social Europe – Flagship Conference workshop recommendations

On 17 September, national and European civil society representatives joined together with other stakeholders to participate in a series of thematic workshops organised by some of our members – SOLIDAR, CECOP-CECOPA Europe, the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA), AGE Platform Europe, Eurocarers, the European Association for Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD), Mental Health Europe and the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM) – under the auspices of Social Platform’s ‘Building Social Europe’ Flagship Conference in Helsinki.

The six workshops led to a number of recommendations, which, if fully implemented, will bring concrete changes to people’s lives throughout Europe, including:

  1. A framework directive on adequate minimum income to promote wellbeing at work.
  2. Better monitoring of health inequalities throughout the EU’s governance processes, including through a health equity impact assessment in the European Semester process.
  3. Setting enhanced monitoring, policy guidance and investment as the cornerstones of an ambitious EU-level action on homelessness based on the right to housing.
  4. A European strategy on long-term care with a holistic and lifecycle approach, including a European platform to share good practices, improved data collection, indicators and corresponding European targets.
  5. Promoting alternative models to public procurement, which support flexible community-based care services, and help service providers to better cater to users’ needs.
  6. A people-centred approach to long-term inclusion of migrants, encompassing wellbeing, and the involvement of migrants in the decision-making process on areas that affect them. Read more about this workshop here.

Read the full workshop recommendations here. To find out more about our Flagship Conference, visit our dedicated webpage.