Caritas Europa: Caritas Czech Republic wins European Citizen’s Prize 2017

Caritas Czech Republic was awarded the European Citizen’s Prize 2017 by the European Parliament for its long-standing work with the poor and suffering people.

MEP Tomáš Zdechovský (EPP), who nominated Caritas Czech Republic, said that the reason behind this choice was that “Caritas Czech Republic wilfully follows in the rich history of care of Christians and Catholic Church for poor and suffering people, and also in the almost hundred-year history of its existence in the Czech Republic. There is no bigger scandal of Caritas, for which I often criticize other non-profit organizations; and Caritas represents an undisputed proof that we cannot put all the non-profit organizations in the same bag. It really helps people and I cannot imagine that we would get along without it”.

Caritas Czech Republic is the biggest non-governmental provider of health and social services in the Czech Republic. The mission of the organisation includes helping all people in need both by delivering direct services to them and by raising awareness of their situation to bring about structural change.

Jakub Líčka, the General Secretary of Caritas Czech Republic, regarded the prize “as an appreciation of the services provided to the most in need by all of our more than seven thousand employees and our many volunteers; especially those who perform strenuous and exhausting work every day“.

Caritas has been awareded this prize in previous editions. In 2016, Young Caritas Luxembourg’s Paul Galles was awarded the prize for his work with migrants and refugees and in 2012, Msgr. Grech, fr. Director of Caritas Malta, won the prize for his commitment in promoting the European spirit.

About the European Citizen’s Prize
Since 2008, the European Parliament has granted the European Citizen’s Prize – CIVI EUROPAEO PRAEMIUM – to organisations and people who promote better mutual understanding and closer integration between citizens and member states, facilitate cross-border or transnational cooperation within the European Union, and who express values of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU through their day-to-day activities.

Full article.