Caritas Europa: Statement from Msgr van Looy following terror attacks in Brussels

Statement from Msgr Luc van Looy, President of Caritas Europa

In the aftermath of yesterday’s terror attacks in Brussels, Caritas Europa mourns the unnecessary loss of lives and prays for the prompt recovery of the injured as well as of the families and friends who lost a beloved one.

Caritas Europa opposes the blind hatred of a few lost and confused people with a message of love, solidarity, mercy and peace. The acts of yesterday, which litter the beauty of faith, will not restrain us from continuing to work towards our vision of a fair, open and inclusive society that cares for the dignity of everyone. A society that fosters what we all have in common and that respects and protects the singularities that make us different and unique.

The violence we are facing is the same that pushes millions of people to escape their countries and desperately attempt to reach our shores by any means. Building walls, closing borders and mass-deporting people in need of safety are just a few of the shameful and ineffective reactions that Europe has been able to present until now. These false solutions will not solve anything. On the contrary, they might exacerbate the sentiment of hatred towards Europe and what it represents.

Caritas Europa encourages decision-makers to protect the life, the dignity and the rights of all those who are trying to arrive to Europe in order to escape terror and misery in their homelands.

Full statement.