CECOP-CICOPA Europe: Cooperatives active in tourism, boosting local wealth and social cohesion through sustainable jobs and activities

On European Tourism Day [December 1], CECOP, the European confederation of cooperatives active in industry and services, wishes to stress the socio-economic development power of more than 8,000 enterprises (18% of its network) active in tourism-related activities. What makes their contribution so special? Worker and social cooperatives belonging to the CECOP network, as participative and democratic enterprises rooted in the territory, have a strong community embeddedness and a proven capacity to contribute to local wealth and social cohesion through sustainable jobs and activities.

According to Eurostat, one in seven businesses in the European Union falls under the umbrella of tourism, representing 29% of persons employed in the services sector. Tourism today represents a high potential of development for the European economy. The contribution of cooperatives to the sustainable growth of this sector seems to be even more relevant if we think that it is particularly important when it comes to offering job opportunities to young people. Studies such as the recent report from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), states that tourism employs “a higher proportion of women and young people than is represented in the workforce as a whole”. Furthermore, it “holds real opportunities for job creation to address the youth unemployment problems faced by countries across the world”.

Full press release.