Council agendas during the Greek Presidency

Social Platform has listed some of the points from the provisional agendas of Council meetings first semester of 2014 (Greek Presidency) as well as from the European Semester Roadmap on the implementation of the 2014 European Semester, which we will monitor and/or respond to in the context of our work programme this year:


March 20-21

  • Assessment of progress made in implementing 2013 Country-specific recommendation
  • Europe 2020 Headline Targets: stocktaking
  • Guidance to member states on the implementation of priorities agreed at the December 2013 European Council in their 2014 Stability and Convergence Programmes and National Reform Programmes
  • Guidance to Commission and the Council on the implementation of flagship initiatives
May 15-16
Meeting to be confirmed
June 26-27
  • Endorsement of integrated Country-specific Recommendations


GAC (General Affairs)

> March 18
  • Presentation Communication on the Rule of Law Mechanism
> June 24
  • Council Conclusions on the Rule of Law Mechanism


EPSCO COUNCIL (Employment, Social Policy and Health)

March 10
  • European Semester 2014: Contribution to the European Council

    • Priorities for action in the areas of employment and social policies: political guidance in 2014 (AGS and JER)
    • The operationalisation of the scoreboard of social and employment indicators in the context of the 2014 European Semester: application EPM and SPPM, and introduction of thresholds
    • Feasibility test on the ex-ante coordination of major social policy reforms (SPC Report)
    • Social situation in the EU (SPC Report)
    • Europe 2020 Headline Targets: Stocktaking
  • Proposal for a Council Decision on the Employment Guidelines
  • Proposal for a Council recommendation on a Quality Framework forTraineeships (poss.)
June 19
  • Progress report on the Article 19 Equal treatment Directive
  • European Semester 2014: Contribution to the European Council

    • Draft Country-specific Council Recommendations on the NRPs 2014
    • Examination NRPs 2014 and implementation CSRs 2013
    • Assessment of the 2014 package of Council Recommendations on cross-cutting issues (SPC Report)
    • EPM and Benchmarks
  • Draft Council Conclusions on Women and the Economy (based on report by EIGE)
  • Horizontal follow-up Youth Employment (poss)
  • Proposal for a Council recommendation on a Quality Framework forTraineeships (poss.) 
  • Draft Council conclusions on Economic Crisis and Healthcare


ECOFIN COUNCIL (Economic and Financial Affairs)

February 18
  • Directive on the implementation of enhanced cooperation on Financial Transaction Tax (poss.)
  • Savings taxation
  • European Semester

    • Exchange of views and conclusions based on AGS providing guidance on implementation priorities December Council
    • Alerm Mechanism Report 2014
March 11
  • Preparation European Council March 20-21 (poss.)
  • Ex-ante coordination of major economic reforms (poss.)
May 6
  • Directive implementing enhanced cooperation on Financial Transaction Tax (poss.)
  • Climate finance (poss.)
  • Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure: in-depth reviews
June 20
  • ECOFIN Report to the European Council on tax issues
  • European Semester 2014: Contribution to the European Council
  • Draft Country-specific Council Recommendations on the NRPs 2014


JHA COUNCIL (Justice and Home Affairs)

March 6-7
  • Presentation of the Commission's Communication on the Future Development in the JHA Area

June 5-6

  • State of play on the EU accession to the ECHR
  • Council Conclusions on Internal and external coherence of EU human rights policy
  • The Future Development in the JHA Area
  • EU Programme for Countering Violent Extremism
  • Follow-up on issues related to free movement of persons


COMPETITIVENESS COUNCIL (Internal market, Industry, Research and Space)

  • European Semester 2014 – Internal Market and Industry aspects (Communication from the Commission on the Annual Growth Survey 2014; Report from the Commission on State of the Single Markat Integration: Contribution to the AGS 2014)
  • European Semester 2014 – Research and Innovation aspects (Communication from the Commission on the Annual Growth Survey 2014)
  • Update on State aid modernisation: follow-up of the Competitiveness Council of December 2013