How to measure the social impact of social enterprises

In 2012 the Commission set up, in the frame of the Expert Group on Social Entrepreneurship, a sub-group which has the mandate to support the Commission in the development of an approach / framework to measure the socio-economic benefits created by social enterprises.

The approach / framework will serve to facilitate the implementation of:

1. the financial instrument for social enterprise support under the Programme for Social Change and Innovation (2014-2020);

2. the European Social Entrepreneurship Fund Regulation (EuSEF).

On September 26 Social Platform will organise an internal workshop to discuss how to measure the social impact of social enterprises. We will take stock of what is available on DG Markt’s web page on the sub-group (read in particular the progress report by the sub-group to the Expert Group).

We have invited Patrizia Bussi (ENSIE – European Network of Social Integration Enterprises) who is member of the sub-group, together with Nicole Alix and Armand Rauch from Confrontations Europe that are carrying out very interesting work to facilitate exchange of views on the key questions shaping this debate. Questions such as:

  • What reasoning underlies the measurement of a social enterprise’s impact? For whom and for what purpose does it serve? How do we build on existing experience?
  • Will every social enterprise be approached in the same manner? How can the adopted evaluation tools influence the way social enterprises function?  Which governance model do we adopt to create these frameworks?

If you want to know more, please visit Confrontations Europe’s web site, and in particular the report by Adrien Baudet.

Members interested in participating can contact Valentina Caimi. There are still a few places available. The meeting will be held in French, on September 26 from 10 to 12.30 at the EAPN office.