EDF and AGE PLATFORM EUROPE urge the Council to support the EP position on web accessibility

26 February 2014 – Today Members of the European Parliament have shown their strong commitment to a more inclusive Internet for all. The Parliament’s report on the proposal for a Directive on the Accessibility of Public Sector Bodies’ Websites has introduced extremely valuable changes to the Commission proposal. These will benefit the majority of citizens across the EU and will boost the web-developing European marketplace, giving a perfect example of how a piece of legislation can contribute to inclusive growth in the digital field. Unfortunately, the Council is lagging behind and has not started the negotiations on this important piece of legislation yet. For this reason, EDF, Age Platform Europe and ANEC call on all Member States, and especially the Greek Presidency, to prioritize this dossier and endorse the Parliament’s position.

Less than one-third of public websites are accessible in Europe. 80 million Europeans with disabilities, 150 million aged over 50, and many citizens without high ICT skills would benefit from this legislation. Those millions of citizens have waited long enough.