On 29 October, the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) launched its annual Gender Equality Index. The index provides data on the progress made on gender equality across society and over time. This year the index focuses on digitalisation in the world of work and its consequences for gender equality.
Overall, the index covers a range of indicators in the domains of work, money, knowledge, time, power and health. It also integrates two additional domains: violence and intersecting inequalities.
The findings were launched during a virtual Gender Equality Index Conference, which can be viewed here.
Some of the data highlighted:
- For the EU, the gender equality score is 67.9 out of 100. This means it would take at least 60 more years to achieve gender equality.
- The best performing Member States in terms of gender equality are Sweden, Denmark and France. Most progress is needed in Greece, Hungary and Romania.
- Labour market segregation remains an area of concern. In the ICT sector for example, only 20.1% of graduates are women. This translates to 17.7% of ICT specialists and 20% of scientists and engineers in high-technology sectors being women. These statistics are alarming, as this is one example of a sector with stable working conditions and good pay.
- The unequal distribution of care and household responsibilities between women and men remains another area of concern.