ERGO Nework: Alliance against antigypsyism launches

The Alliance against Antigypsyism today published a reference paper on antigypsyism, the specific racism against Roma, Sinti, Travellers and other groups who are stigmatised as ‘gypsies’ in the public domain. The reference paper proposes a working definition of antigypsyism. “This is necessary: the term antigypsyism is increasingly used, but there is no common understanding of its scope, depth and implications. This hinders the formulation of effective answers to tackle it,” said Gabriela Hrabanova of ERGO Network, one of the initiators of the Alliance against Antigypsyism.

The Alliance against Antigypsyism is an occasional coalition of organisations that promote equality of rights for Roma, to advance a better understanding of antigypsyism. The Alliance counts more than seventy members from across Europe and more are still joining. An up-to-date members list, as well as the reference paper, can be found at

The reference paper stirs debate about the nature and implications of antigypsyism. It wants to raise awareness of its characteristics and scope, among a wider circle of policy and decision makers and aims to help them formulate effective answers to it.

In response to today’s release of the reference paper, Rita Izsák-Ndiaye, Independent Expert on minority issues for the UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights, said: “A compelling contribution to the debate; international organizations, including the UN and the European Union, will have to take note of this call to shift their perspective on Roma inclusion.”

Ciprian Necula, State Secretary, Ministry of European Funds, Contact Point for Roma of Romanian Government, said,“European racism against Roma is relying mostly on ignorance. We need to practice our citizenship in our countries and work for equity and solidarity. The reference paper convincingly defines antigypsyism as a major obstacle for equal citizenship.”

Full article.