EU and member states need to put outcomes of the Social Scoreboard into action

On the occasion of the European Council meeting of October 24-25, 2013 Social Platform and its members call on the Council President and on the heads of state or government to ensure the Social Scoreboard, presented earlier this month by the European Commission, triggers action as a necessary requirement to achieve the Social Dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).

We call on them to:

  1. Endorse the scoreboard and, in addition, request from the Commission to develop a system that triggers preventative and corrective actions once the social indicators taken up in the scoreboard reach a certain value. Without a binding mechanismthat has the potentialto trigger action, the Social Dimension of the EMU will be an empty shell with economic and financial policies continuing to damage the socialtissue of our societies and erode peoples support for the European project. Integrated in the European Semester, it should be used to counteract the negative effects of fiscal consolidation, and to finally move forward on the Europe 2020 poverty and employment targets.
  2. Furthermore, it is necessary to develop, as soon as possible, European Social Standards in view of organising upward social convergence and social progress. These social standards should be taken up in binding European legislation and member states that do not live up to these, should be held accountable.

We also pointed out how good governance of the EMU can only be effective if all relevant stakeholders, including civil society as well as social partners are fully involved. This is the only way to ensure a genuine EMU with a social dimension, which gets the support of people throughout the EU.

Read our full letter to the European Council
