POLITICO Europe: ‘EU Confidential’ podcast, 6 May
The Parliament Magazine: ‘EU leaders face demands to implement European Pillar of Social Rights when they meet in Porto for a ‘social summit’’, 7 May
Paudal: ‘Satisfaction among social leaders’, 7 May
Renascença: ‘”Compromisso do Porto” pede uso de mecanismos políticos para cumprir objetivos’, 7 May
Euronews: ‘Líderes europeus e parceiros sociais congratulam-se com Compromisso Social do Porto’, 7 May
EU Briefs: ‘Porto : Piotr Sadowski cite l’engagement social comme un premier pas important pour une Europe plus sociale’, 8 May
Vita: ‘Vertice di Porto: l’Europa sociale si rafforza’, 8 May
EU Today: ‘Social civil society leader Piotr Sadowski cites Porto Social Commitment as important first step on long road to a more social Europe’, 8 May
Euronews: ‘Sozialgipfel von Porto ist ein Anfang: Gerechtigkeit muss finanziert werden’, 8 May
Euronews: ‘Szociális nyilatkozatot fogadtak el az uniós csúcson’, 8 May
The Brussels Times: ‘Can citizens breathe life into European democracy?’, 11 May