Eurochild: Education is not only about the labour market

On 18 May the Council of the European Union for Education, Youth, Culture and Sports adopted conclusions on the role of early childhood education and primary education for the development of creativity, innovation and digital competences.

The Council was chaired by the Latvian minister for Education and Science, Mārīte Seile, who stated that “education is not only about the labour market. Education plays an essential role in creating cohesive and sustainable societies and in preparing citizens for the unknown. It ensures that the cultural and civic values that we share are passed on to future generations.”

Conclusions adopted by the European ministers specify that promoting creativity, innovation and digital competence through education during children’s early years can produce benefits later on. Early childhood education can set the foundations for further learning, enable knowledge to be developed to a much higher level and improve each child’s ability to develop creative and critical thinking skills, said ministers.

The document mentions as well the importance of providing personalised approaches to learning, including for children with disadvantaged backgrounds and those with special needs. The important role of parents, families and teachers is also identified as essential for early years education and learning.

More information on Council’s meeting and outcomes is available here.

Full article.