Eurochild: Eurochild recommendations to the Dutch EU Presidency

Eurochild released its recommendations to the Dutch government which has taken over the presidency of the Council of the EU for the next six months until July 2016. The recommendations highlight how the Dutch Presidency can guide EU member states in the implementation of the European Commission Investing in Children recommendation, use the European Fund for Strategic Investment to invest in early years and make children visible in the European Semester process.

Read the recommendations here.

Scoring the EU Presidencies

Eurochild assesses the performance of EU Presidencies over their six-months tenure based on four criteria:

  • The extent to which they listened to, and involved children and young people themselves.
  • Their vision and leadership for a strong children’s rights strategy at EU level.
  • Their support for stronger action and cooperation at EU level to fight child poverty.
  • The extent to which children’s interests are reflected in the broad Presidency programme.

On this occasion, Eurochild has released its scorecard assessing the performance of the previous two EU Presidencies, Latvia and Luxembourg, from a child rights perspective.

You can find the scorecards here.

Full article.