Eurochild: European Child Rights Forum presents 10 principles for child protection

This week the ninth European Forum on the rights of the child brought together in Brussels more than 250 participants to discuss coordination and cooperation in integrated child protection systems, including 17 Eurochild members.

The host of the Forum, the European Commission coordinator for the rights of the child, confirmed children’s rights will continue to be a priority for the European Union (EU). However, two questions remain – how will the Commission support the implementation of the proposed 10 principles? What will be the priority areas and further means to mainstream children’s rights across its work in coming years? Read Eurochild’s open letter to Commission President Juncker calling for a successor to the EU Agenda for the Rights of the Child here.

A reflection paper putting forward ten principles for child protection grounded the discussions and was broadly welcomed by the participants. Although the paper looks primarily at protecting children from violence, including preventive measures, it acknowledges that in many countries child protection has a broader understanding to include social protection services, in line with Eurochild’s position. The importance of prevention was highlighted at several times with European Commissioner for Education and Culture Tibor Navracsics emphasising the role of early years education and care services.

Various examples were presented and discussed across the four workshop sessions looking at prevention of violence against children; identification, reporting and referral; investigations, treatment, follow-up and judicial involvement; and effective procedures. (Available here.)

Full article.