Eurodiaconia: Minimum income, minimum wage & reference budgets – work done by Eurodiaconia members

In 2014 Eurodiaconia carried out research among its membership to see if and how members work on the issue of minimum income and minimum wage. This mapping report reveals that a number of members carry out advocacy campaigns on these issues as well as provide services, financial as well as social to support people who are perhaps beneficiaries of minimum income schemes. The report also presents members’ positions on their current national minimum income schemes and minimum wage.

The report aims to provide background information that scopes the way forward for Eurodiaconia’s EU level work on this issue and with a collection of projects can provide interested members with ideas on how to work on the issue. A position paper on adequate minimum income will be adopted by Eurodiaconia later in 2015 as a follow up to this piece of work.

Read the full report.