European Anti-Poverty Network: EAPN presents its asssessment of CSRs and European Semester, and proposals on the new Commission integrated guidelines at Social Protection Committee

European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) President Sérgio Aires is presenting today at the Social Protection Committee (SPC) EAPN’s Assessment Report and proposals on Country-Specific Recommendations (CSRs) based on national inputs. Mr Aires highlighted the need to rebalance the European Semester and economic governance to ensure economic priorities support social objectives and deliver on the poverty and other social targets of Europe 2020. Effective stakeholder dialogue at national level is also crucial to restore credibility and better policies. EAPN also presented its proposals on the new European Commission integrated guidelines in the economic and employment areas with a strong message aiming to make progress on Europe 2020 and invest in people for a fairer EU.

The SPC carried out at the end of March 2015 its multilateral surveillance reviews on the implementation of the 2014 CSRs in the area of social protection and social inclusion and the review of the 2015 Commission Country Reports and has organised this meeting to exchange views with Social Platform and EAPN on the issues identified.

EAPN 2015 Assessment Report of the Country-Specific Recommendations Making progress on Europe 2020 – Investing in people for a fairer EU

Full report
Country Fiches (24 member states)

EAPN Proposals on the New Commission Integrated Guidelines: Economic and Employment

Full document

Key messages:

  • Guidelines must deliver on Europe 2020 goals and targets
  • Inclusive investment means social investment
  • Safeguard adequate social protection for social cohesion
  • Support quality, sustainable jobs and integrated active inclusion
  • Reinforce equitable, inclusive-growth friendly tax
  • Replace fairness with guideline to combat poverty beyond employment
  • Ensure effective governance through quality stakeholder engagement

Full article.