European Anti-Poverty Network: Economic governance must deliver on social objectives with real participation from civil society

The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) sent yesterday [21 September]  its contribution to the Annual Growth Survey to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. As the letter highlights, EAPN has been engaged in the European Semester process from the start in 2011, showcasing the experience and knowledge from its members on the impact of EU policies on people’s lives. EAPN strongly hopes to meet with President Juncker to discuss the network’s contribution to the European Semester as well as adequate solutions for people’s well-being.

The letter reads as follows:

Dear President Juncker,

Re: Annual Growth Survey 2016: Business as usual is not an option! – Economic Governance must deliver on social objectives with real participation from civil society.

We are writing to you on behalf of the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) the largest platform of anti-poverty organizations in Europe, representing more than 6000 organisations across 31 countries, working with and for people with direct experience of poverty.

You are currently preparing the 2016 Annual Growth Survey, which will drive the European Semester 2016. This AGS comes at a crucial time, when the future of the EU is in jeopardy, brought to crisis point by the failure of the EU to get agreement to fairly share the responsibility and provide safe passage and relief to the thousands of desperate refugees and asylum seekers who are flocking to the EU shores.

We are counting on you as the president of the European Commission to reassert the Commission’s role as a leader for a fairer and just Europe which puts people at the centre of policy making.

EAPN’s review of the European Semester 2015 from our members1 also concludes that the European Semester has so-far failed to provide this explicit social dimension, with low visibility of Europe 2020 goals of inclusive, as well as sustainable growth and of the social targets.

Although poverty and social exclusion affects 1 person in 4 (123.1 million) the 2015 CSRs on poverty were reduced from 12 to 6.

Despite the new ‘investment’ priority, austerity measures continue to predominate, with damaging cuts to benefits and services, wages and employment standards only contributing to a widening gap on poverty and inequality. Instead of ‘greater accountability and ownership’, participation by stakeholders, particularly social NGOs continues to be weak with low quality involvement resembling too often a public relations exercise rather than genuine dialogue and partnership.

An EU that only focuses on macro-economic and monetary union, developed behind closed doors, at the expense of social rights, solidarity and concrete standards, will fail to get people’s support for the EU project and thus exacerbate the deepening political crisis in Greece and other countries brought on by misguided austerity policies.

In the new AGS, you have a crucial opportunity to take concrete steps to ensure that the social dimension in the European Semester gets a new priority, building new accountability and participation mechanisms.

We highlight for you our Key Messages arising from EAPN’s assessment:

  1. Ensure macroeconomic policies deliver on social objectives
  2. Demonstrate a strong social dimension: an integrated poverty strategy and investment in social standards
  3. Get serious about participation and social NGO involvement!

Read the full letter here.