European Anti-Poverty Network: EPSCO Council 7-8 December – making progress on the social ‘triple A’

The European Anti-Poverty Nework (EAPN) has sent a letter to Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs (EPSCO Council) in view of their meeting next week, where they will discuss proposals on improving European Union social governance, a first response to the Annual Growth Survey, as well as the recommendation on long-term unemployment. EAPN calls on Social Ministers to set this within the context of a growing crisis of the EU project and to confirm the need for concrete progress now on the Social pillar and Social Europe rooted in real progress on participation, if EU credibility is not to crumble and sustainable solutions be found.

In its letter, EAPN, representing more than 6,000 organisations across 31 countries, calls on Ministers to:

  • Make real progress on social governance, the social pillar and social EU
  • Ensure integrated support for long-term unemployed based on active inclusion
  • Concrete measures on participation now!

Read the open letter here.