European Anti-Poverty Network: The time for timidity is over – the EU needs an ambitious European Pillar of Social Rights

The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) has written today [22 February] to the President of the European Commission to stress the urgency for an ambitious EU proposal on the upcoming European Pillar of Social Rights. This should not just repackage existing initiatives with only benchmarking on common principles, but must set out an ambitious EU roadmap towards guaranteeing essential social standards, which can ensure that everybody has access to a dignified and decent life. The EU needs to convince people on the ground that it is working on their behalf and not just defending the Euro, economic growth and markets, primarily through promoting austerity. An ambitious Pillar of Social Rights may be the last chance for not only Social Europe but for the EU. “Participation must also be at the heart of the Social Pillar”, as highlighted by participants with direct experience of poverty in the 15th European Meeting of People Experience Poverty.

EAPN now underlines the key proposals that is considers essential to demonstrate this ambition. These build on EAPN’s position paper of September 2016. Many proposals are also taken up by the European Parliament report by Member of the European Parliament Maria João Rodrigues, adopted on 19 January, and by the European Economic and Social Committee report, adopted on the 25 January 2017:

  • A new paradigm – a transformative EU strategy that invests in social rights and reduces poverty and inequality.
  • Invest in concrete measures to guarantee social standards.
  • Use EU funds to support delivery on social rights.
  • Participation is key to making pillar of social rights a reality!

Read the full letter here.

Full article.