European Anti-Poverty Network: Universal access to health – one year after the elections

European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) participated in a roundtable organised by health stakeholders including EGA, European Patient’s Forum, Doctors of the World and backed by the European Parliament’s interest group, to discuss how to press for universal access to health, in a context where “efficiency” dominates. Member of the European Parliament Alojz Peterle (European People’s Party) underlined the need to make the economic case for health, and to defend health investment and promotion, including proposals for a European Semester for health.

Nichola Bedington, European Patient’s Forum, underlined key causes of declining access rooted in discrimination, rise in out-of-pocket payments/co-payments as well as medicines, and changes in health systems. Access and empowerment of patients was also seen to be key. Frank Vanbiervliet, Doctor’s of the World, underlined the continuing impact of austerity, for example in Greece leaving 30% without healthcare coverage (OECD) and in Spain with the destruction of the universal healthcare system. In their research, the key barrier to health is financial (25.1%). However the impact of declining access affects everybody’s health – i.e. decline in vaccination/prevention/epidemic care. “A commitment needs to be made to Public Health Systems based on solidarity and equality, which is non-for-profit and open to anybody resident in the EU”. For more information please click here.

Full article.