European Association for the Education of Adults: Adult education & refugees is the theme of the EAEA Grundtvig Award 2016

Celebrating innovation and excellence in adult education, the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) Grundtvig Award is given annually to projects that produce new ideas, new partnerships, new methodologies and a new understanding on how we can work in adult learning. In 2016, the EAEA is looking for excellent projects that promote the learning of, with and about refugees or migrants.

In 2015, more than one million people – refugees, displaced persons and other migrants – have made their way to Europe, a number that continues to increase. Europe is facing today a global challenge and urgent actions are needed to face the humanitarian catastrophe we’re all living.

Adult education providers have welcomed the newly arrived, and have offered a wide range of courses, from language learning to information about services and systems to intercultural exchanges.

“Adult education providers and civil society organisations can provide fundamental support to respond to the arrival of refugees and to their long-term inclusion in their host countries. These initiatives not only save lives, but also increase the level of protection of the new arrivals and decrease their vulnerability,” says EAEA President Per Paludan Hansen.

The EAEA Grundtvig Award is given to adult education projects in three categories: international, European and national/regional. All eligible nominees will be disseminated through EAEA’s Europe-wide communication channels. In addition to that, the winning organisations gain an invitation to the EAEA General Assembly and the EAEA Grundtvig Award Ceremony organised in Brussels, Belgium between 28 and 29 June 2016, including travel and accommodation.

The application deadline is 17 April 2016.

More information is available here.