European Association for the Education of Adults: Grundtvig Award 2015 – Adult Education & Health

In 2015, the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) is looking for projects that tackle health and well-being through adult education. Recent research has demonstrated the wider benefits of adult learning, including its impact on health, e.g. the Benefits of Lifelong Learning (BeLL) project. The EAEA is eager to award two best practice examples on this theme which combine innovation and excellence: one European and one International.

The broad topic of adult education and health encapsulates projects which have either a direct or indirect impact on an individual’s/a collective’s health. Nominated education projects may address a health issue (mental and/or physical) specifically or take a more general approach, for example improve well-being. Ultimately, EAEA is seeking nominations for this Award that will link this theme to an innovative education practice, for example:

  • New partnerships and stakeholders
  • New forms of financing
  • New outreach methods to attract disadvantaged learners
  • New venues for learning
  • Any other innovative forms of learning that combine adult education, health and well-being

Download the EAEA Grundtvig Award 2015 fact sheet.


EAEA will award excellent adult education and learning projects with the topic Adult Education and Health in two categories:

1. European projects

EU and candidate countries need to have a transnational partnership in at least three countries
All other European countries need to have either a transnational element or have a strong national partnership with a diverse range of stakeholders

2. Projects from outside of Europe

EAEA is looking for projects that have either a transnational element or a strong national or local partnership with a diverse range of stakeholders
EAEA welcomes nominations from European Commission (Grundtvig/Erasmus+) funded projects or projects which are funded elsewhere.

More information.

Submission form.