European Association for the Education of Adults: EAEA’s Year of Adult Education in Europe 2017 kicks off

n 2017 the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) and its members celebrate the Year of Adult Education in Europe. The campaign initiatied by EAEA brings together adult education activities around Europe and celebrates the power and joy of learning.

”Europe faces a lot of challenges, to which adult education can contribute so much. From sustainability to social inclusion to active citizenship – adult education can be the key to solving many of the challenges,” says EAEA Secretary-General, Gina Ebner.

As EAEA dedicates the year 2017 to the celebration of adult education and the work of its members, it brings together European adult education organisations to demonstrate how adult learning can improve citizens’ lives and prospects in Europe, both on a personal and on a professional level.

”We have a lot of positive solutions that adult education brings to people, communities, countries, economies and societies in Europe. Adult education empowers and contributes to the wellbeing of people, hence we want to underline the power and joy of learning,” Gina Ebner says.

The campaign collects events organised by adult education organisations across Europe. The events are published on the campaign’s dedicated website that is now open. The participating organisations will be invited to share their key messages and best practices that will be presented to policy-makers around Europe at the end of the year. EAEA invites adult education organisations around Europe to join.

”This is a great opportunity for every adult education organisation or institute in Europe to showcase what they do and how they contribute to their communities. They can use the opportunity to discuss – either internally or with policy-makers and stakeholders how important adult education is,” Gina Ebner says.

Full article.