European Association for the Education of Adults: Sign the ‘Adult Education Mobility Charter’

Adult education professionals – educators, teachers, trainers, stakeholders, etc. – should have the opportunity to learn and develop their skills as part of their continuing professional development. This is especially true for younger colleagues. Currently only a few have the opportunity to attend and participate in mobility activities open to everyone working in the adult education sector.

The newly published ‘Adult Education Mobility Charter’ aims to improve the situation – it is a support framework for learning mobilities. The Charter promotes mobility activities such as job shadowing, guest teaching, study visits, conferences, short visits, courses and observations for all participants who are working in the field of adult education.

The objective of the Charter is to create a common understanding of the definition of participants, tutors and adult education organisations and to provides a common set of basic responsibilities for all participants of a learning mobility.

Adult education providers are invited to endorse the Charter. By doing so, they take a public commitment to say that they respect the standards and values defined in the Charter. For potential mobility applicants, this is a strong signal that the learning mobility will take place according to standards that both parties agree with.

The Charter helps to ensure that participants always have a positive experience both in the host country and in their country of origin upon return. It provides guidance on mobility arrangements for learning or other purposes, such as professional betterment, to all participants in order to enhance personal and professional development.

The Charter also promotes appropriate forms of mobility and funding offered by organisations. It aims to improve the quality and efficiency of education and training systems. On the European level, it supports the mobility and cooperation and strengthens the role of adult education in confronting European challenges through cooperation and exchange.

To sign the Charter, please send an email to EAEA Policy Officer Tania Berman.

The Charter is published by the AE-PRO project, coordinated by the European Association for the Education of Adults – EAEA, and funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission.

Full article.