European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities: The new European Parliament’s priorities for the disability sector

On such an important day such as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities [Dec 3], service providers from across Europe gathered together in the European Parliament and analysed with key European politicians the priorities for the disability sector during the next legislative term. EASPD Secretary General, Luk Zelderloo, moderated the session and presented the service providers’ views on the main issues regarding the disability sector: Mr. Juncker’s Jobs, Growth and Investment package [announced on Nov 26]; the need for a stronger social dimension in the European Semester, the mid-term review of the Europe 2020 strategy, the work plan 2015-2020 of the European Disability Strategy and progress made in Europe regarding the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD), in particular the transition from institutional to community-based services.

EASPD called on the European Commission (EC) to use part of Mr. Juncker’s package to streamline EU Member States actions through a dedicated Communication on how to unlock the job creation potential in the social and health services sector and to reinforce the social dimension in its next country specific recommendations for 2015. EASPD also called on the EP and the EC to issue a study aiming to bring together the best examples of the partnership principle, where civil society and public authorities have come together to improve policy-making and to make sure that the Youth Guarantee can also help those most excluded from the labour market and in need of support to employment.

Full press release.