CECOP-CICOPA Europe: CECOP welcomes the new European Commission – it is time to reverse the curve for growth and jobs!

The new European Commission has started its five year term this week. CECOP, the European Confederation of Cooperatives active in industry and services, welcomes the new Commission of the elected President Jean-Claude Juncker and encourages it to reverse the curve of unemployment, increasing poverty and inequality in Europe.

CECOP welcomes the political guidelines Mr Juncker presented last July to the European Parliament, especially the announced Jobs, Growth and Investment Package proposed as part of the Europe 2020 Strategy’s review. CECOP believes that investment is a key instrument in favour of sustainable, smart and inclusive growth. Moreover, how can member states increase investment when European mechanisms, such as the European Semester, impose fiscal consolidation through austerity programs, translated in cuts in social security spending and public investment? CECOP calls on the new Commission to rectify this contradiction during this new term and to prioritise the EU 2020 strategy. The EU 2020 strategy mid-term review, foreseen for 2015, could be a great opportunity to reverse the curve.

Full press release.