European Disability Forum: EDF welcomes the re-establishment of the European parliament Disability Intergroup

The European Disability Forum welcomes the decision of the Conference of Presidents to re-establish the Disability Intergroup for another legislature. Alive since 1979, the Disability Intergroup is one of the oldest and largest intergroups in the European Parliament with consistent cross-party support of around 100 Members. It is the only body which focuses on disability and allows for a regular dialogue with persons with disabilities and their representative organisations.

Since its creation, EDF and its members have worked closely with the Disability Intergroup’s MEPs to advocate for a Europe free from discrimination, where 80 million citizens with disabilities can enjoy equal rights and opportunities and can bring a meaningful contribution to a better society.

‘The Disability Intergroup plays an important role in pushing the European Parliament but also the other EU institutions into designing laws and policies inclusive for persons with disabilities. Without the Disability Intergroup, we wouldn’t have important legislative initiatives to improve the lives of citizens with disabilities. On behalf of the whole European Disability movement, I want to express our deep appreciation and gratitude to the Members of the European Parliament who have campaigned for the re-establishment of the intergroup and in particular those who have succeeded in convincing their political groups to make the disability intergroup a priority’, underlines EDF President, Yannis Vardakastanis.

Three political groups voted to include the Disability Intergroup among their priorities making its re-establishment possible: EPP Group, S&D Group and GUE/NGL Group.

EDF looks forward to working with the new Disability Intergroup as there are still big challenges ahead.

Full press release.