European Disability Forum: Inclusive sustainable development in Europe – A new report from the European Disability Forum

The European Disability Forum (EDF) presents its second human report entitled “2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) report: A European perspective to respect, protect and fulfil the United Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”.

The report provides an overview of the strong link between the Convention and the SDGs and presents recommendations on how to ensure Europe takes a human rights based approach to the Sustainable Development agenda, fully including persons with disabilities.

This report has been designed as a resource for organisations of persons with disabilities and decision-makers in Europe to learn more about the 2030 Agenda and what opportunities exist for advocacy around the SDGs in order to respect, protect and fulfil the CRPD, in Europe and in international cooperation.

For the first time in United Nations history, persons with disabilities have been included in a global agreement. The 2030 Agenda specifically recognises that more than 80 per cent of persons with disabilities live in poverty. Yes, persons with disabilities in Europe continue to also face widespread exclusion from all areas of economic, political, social, civil and cultural life, including employment, education and healthcare.

The report was launched during EDF European conference on the Sustainable Development Goals, which welcomed approximately 100 European representatives of the disability movement as well as a range of partners and allies from across Europe. The conference was chaired by Patrick Clarke, Vice-President of EDF, who welcomed the report: “EDF is committed to leave no one behind and particularly persons with disabilities who are all too often at risk of marginalisation. EDF’s new report is unique and original! It will not only help our movement but also decision-makers to accelerate the implementation of disability-inclusive SDGs if we want the 2030 Agenda to be successful.”

In a video message, the Chairperson of the European Union (EU) Multi-Stakeholder Platform on the SDGs and First Vice-President of European Commission, Frans Timmermans, congratulated EDF for the excellent contribution of this report to the work of the European Commission, helping to turn the promises in New York into realities on the ground, and paving the way for a stronger and more inclusive society.

Johannes Trimmel, President of CONCORD – a member of the EU Multi-Stakeholder Platform on the SDGs – explained “The promises (of the 2030 Agenda) were: Putting people and the planet first. A political declaration which is really about the people, with everybody having a chance to live a decent and self- determined life, having access to all human rights. The report from EDF on the relationship between the SDGs and the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities comes at a critical and right time to turn the rhetoric into action”.

The board members of EDF agreed to adopt a resolution where they call on the EU to fully include persons with disabilities in all policy dialogues regarding the SDGs, in Europe and in the context of international cooperation.

Download the full report here.

Full article.