European Minimum Income Network: EMIN response to the European Pillar of Social Rights

After a long period of consultations, the European Commission recently published its communication establishing a European Pillar of Social Rights. The European Minimum Income Network (EMIN) fully supports the ambition that the Social Pillar will launch a new process of social convergence within the Economic and Monetary Union and the EU more generally.

EMIN welcomes the recognition of the right to adequate minimum income benefits ensuring a life in dignity at all stages of life, and to effective access to enabling goods and services, as part of the Pillar. The Commission benchmarking exercise as a follow up of the Pillar must commit to monitoring developments in relation to adequacy.

EMIN express the hope that the Interinstitutional Proclamation of the European Pillar of Social Rights will contribute to a firm endorsement of all rights enshrined in the Pillar by all relevant European institutions and ensure that cooperation to develop and protect social rights will be central in the work and priorities of the EU.

Dialogue between the social partners and civil dialogue at national and at European level will be essential to mobilise all social actors to effectively deliver the right for all to an adequate and accessible minimum income. EMIN is committed to contribute to this ambition.

See the full response here.

Full article.