European Network for Social Integration Enterprises: ENSIE grows again and again!

For its 15 year birthday ENSIE welcomes two new members: Galileo Progetti (Hungary) and TESSEA (Czech Republic) and represents today 28 national and regional networks of work integration social enterprises in 21 countries in Europe! From 8 members representing 6 European countries in 2001, ENSIE reached 14 members in 10 European countries in 2006 and 19 members and 15 European countries in 2011.

In Dublin, Ireland, 30 persons thus gathered on the 17th and 18th of June 2016 at the occasion of the network general assembly meeting and the 2015 activity report has been presented.

Different key topics were discussed: the European semester, the integration of migrants, the social and economic impact measurement and the participation of disadvantaged people in the decision making processes.

If you are also keen to be voiced in the European debates concerning work integration social enterprises, join ENSIE’s network!