European Women’s Lobby: Ask your MEP to support the FEMM/Noichl report and call for an EU Strategy on equality between women and men!

On Tuesday 9 June, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will vote on a report calling for an EU Strategy on equality between women and men. Such a strategy is very important to help coordinate efforts at national and European level to realise the human rights of women and girls, and improve their daily lives. The report to be voted on has been drafted by Ms Noichl from the FEMM committee (Women’s rights and gender equality committee), the European Parliament committee responsible for ensuring that women’s and girls’ rights are at the core of the Parliament’s work.

Please contact your MEPs to ask them to support the FEMM/Noichl report! You can email them, tweet them… whatever it takes to make your voice heard!

You can see below an example of tweet, using the message “Do you care for Her Future?”, and the hashtag #HerFuture. The graphic is here.

MEPs from all countries and all political affiliations should support, as equality between women and men is a fundamental value of the EU.

Thanks for your help to make sure that Europe will continue to develop actions for improving girls’ future!

Full article.

Find your MEP(s) here.
