FEANTSA: Confronting Homelessness Must Remain a Priority in the EU Fight against Poverty

The 2014 FEANTSA Policy Conference, “Confronting homelessness in the EU: Seeking out the next generation of best practices” started today [Oct 24] in Bergamo, Italy. The first day brought together more than 400 experts from across the world.

Homelessness is a pressing social challenge throughout the EU. It denies people access to fundamental rights and incurs significant societal costs. In the context of its commitment to fighting poverty and social exclusion, the EU plays an important role in supporting Member States to develop and maintain strategies to combat homelessness.

Participants in the conference discussed a wide range of challenges in the fight against homelessness at European level and beyond, as well as the solutions to homelessness that exist, some of them new and innovative.

Full press release.