Get ready to vote for a social Europe!

At Social Platform, we were given two jobs: one, to be a constructive source of proposals for social justice in Europe; and two, to identify windows of opportunity for these proposals adopted to be adopted.

There is a big window of opportunity opening for all citizens in 8 months and we count on you to be involved. The European Parliament elections will take place next May, and with a new Parliament comes a new European Commission in the autumn. This means that two of the three most powerful institutions will be renewed –and you will have a say.

This is not an opportunity to be missed – we will be heavily involved in the organisation of events in the European Parliament trying to set the agenda for the next legislature. We will also try to ensure that the candidates for the position of Commissioners will take on board some of our concrete proposals for a strong social pillar in EU policies to reduce inequalities, the level of poverty, ensure the creation of quality jobs and universal access to public services.

But we will also need you: one person, one vote. We will need you to engage in the election process in support of the development of a social Europe where solidarity, social justice and equality are the key values that underpin EU policies. We want to mobilise you now because May 2014 will come fast and we want to take the time to inform you about the issues that we want to change. 

As an old friend from the civil rights movement taught me once, “change is one person at a time”.

Let’s engage!
Pierre Baussand – Director